Friday, April 24, 2009

More Easter

So, we had a BUSY Easter weekend!! Not one, but two Easter egg hunts. The first one was a wonderful ward activity. Quinn had to work, so I had both kids. Needless to say, no pictures got taken during that hunt. Corban and Porter had a blast even though I don't have proof of it. The activity was very well put together. Corban came away saying that the "bad soldiers made Jesus "died" but the earth shook and he didn't die anymore." Man I love that kid. Props to the leaders who did such a good job. After that was a small group of friends at Shelby farms.

Here are the kiddo waiting to go. Notice Corban cheating, I mean getting a head start. And were off!!!

Quinn getting into it.

Me helping the boys

Porter checking out the goods.

continued on next post. . .

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

The ward definitely did a great job on the Easter activity! And our egg hunt was a ton of fun too! Your boys are so sweet!