Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Top Ten

These are the top ten reasons I have not been blogging.

#1 I just don't want to.

#2 Every time I get on the computer I have to look up something related to Star Wars

#3 Can't blog when you are living it up at Silver Dollar City

#4 Emmett is so stinkin cute that I spend to much time kissing his chubby cheeks.

#5 I'm too busy dancing to Boom Boom Pow with Porter

#6 Corban had taken over the computer playing Indiana Jones Lego games. And he can navigate anywhere online. He's 4.

#7 Too busy giving my sister-in-law a hard time when she came to visit.

#8 My husband is pretty hot

#9 My babies are getting way too big and I am trying to stop time.

#10 I'm too busy reading your blog!

So stop your crying, I know you've missed me. I'll be back sometime!


mamasteph said...

Those seem like pretty good reasons to me! ;)

Rebekah said...

I love you Shauna, you crack me up! You forgot reason #11.. I was too busy spending time with my super cool friends, the Tuttles, who I miss dreadfully!

Alyssa said...

So #9 says "My babies." Totally thought it said "Making babies" at first. Awkward...

Lindsay Blain said...

Ahahaha. Hilarious post!!! And Alyssa's comment was EVEN funnier!! Love y'all!!