Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pat on the back

So I am SUPER stoked at my shopping today. I followed the advice found on this web site here. This lady is here in Memphis and is AMAZING. She checks the sales here in town and posts links to coupons. Basically she does the hard work and I reap the benefits. So see the all of this???? FOUR packs of diapers, SIX wipe boxes and TWO refill wipes. ( the super cute boy was free) Guess how much I paid. Just guess.
All of this for $36.00 Go ahead, be amazed. I am.


Jenn said...

i am amazed. and your pic of you and cute. you guys are SO in's sweet. and the boys were cute too.

Brian and Melissa Finley said...

Awesome! Did you use a bunch of your $3 coupons and get that deal at Kroger? How many were you able to print off? I'm hoping to do the same thing later this week. And is it worth it to buy the Huggies wipes as opposed to a store brand? Sorry for all the questions....I'm new at this too and want to be as successful as you :)

p.s. I saw your family pictures on Megan Boston's website.....just to DIE for. Sooo dang cute!

Rebekah said...

Go you! Where did you get the super cute boy? I wouldn't mind having one of those...

Meggan said...

I am so proud of you! We just started to get hyped up about this couponing thing too. It's a word in my book. I need to go back and get more wipes...had a couple of coupons I didn't use.

Pitcherpost said...

good job! Thanks for the link. I need to get on this couponing thing, if only for diapers and wipes - having two kids in diapers means too much money!