Friday, April 30, 2010

My little buggers

Conservation with Corban :

Me: You guys (Corban, Porter, Emmett) were supposed to be sleeping. Why did ya'll wake up after only 30 mins?

Corban: I don't know. I don't want my nap anymore.

Me: Where is MY nap?

Corban: You can rest right here on the couch

Me: I have a filling that you (tickling Corban) and you (tickling Porter) and you (tickling Emmett) will all start bugging me as soon as I lay down.

Corban: But Mommy that's not true.

Me: Why not? Are you gonna not bug me on the couch?

Corban: Well, Emmett can't bug you cause he's short and has little arms that can't reach the couch.

Makes sense to me.


mamasteph said...

Ha! Love it! Those boys are too cute!!!

Meggan said...

I have to say...super cuteness. I love conversations that make sense, but kinda don't. Can I tell you how excited I am about next week? So excited!!

Carl and Starla said...

That is funny. Corban is seriously so cute and funny in primary! I love his grand entrance every week...he is definitely a cute boy!