Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why do we want our kids to talk???

Corban: Mommy, can I have some of that candy?
Me: No sweetie.
Corban: Why?
Me: Cause it will make you fat.
Corban: But you are fat mommy
Me: Fat?? I'm not fat, I'm pregnant. I'm gonna have a baby.
Corban: But even after the baby comes, you will still be fat.

At Church today after picking him up at nursery

Corban: Me and Noah got into a fight over the blue train. (pause) Just like you and Daddy fight.

Gotta love um.


Christina MC said...

scary how much they pick up on, huh? We've had to use "soft voices" around the house lately because little miss was getting attitude when she spoke to us and we figured it was because we were speaking to her the same way.

mamasteph said...

oh man, that is too funny! And personally, I don't agree with little Mr. Corbin at all! :)

emily said...

ok that was funny. don't you just love moments like that?! you don't know whether to laugh or CRY?!!!

Unknown said...

I don't agree with Corban at all either Shauna!