Friday, December 19, 2008

We miss Bekah!!!

A few weeks ago we had a visit from our good friend Nathan while he took boards. He didn't bring his wife. So, to make her feel bad, here are pics of Nathan and the super cute kids that she didn't get to see.
Corban LOVES Nathan. For a few days after he left, everytime the doorbell rang he would say "IT'S NATHAN!!"You better come next time Bekah!!

A Day at the Park

A couple of weeks ago, we took advantage of the nice weather and spent the morning at the park. Here are a few pics of our day. Quinn and Porter (thank you Nana for the hats. )

So, people say that Corban looks like me and Porter looks like Quinn. What do you think?

I just love this shot.

For Michelle

Hey, I'm posting. Kiss it.

Merry Christmas everyone!